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Bosch Engineering

Steering systems

We offer modern electric steering systems (EPS) for passenger cars, sports cars, and light commercial vehicles (LCVs) from our broad product portfolio. You also benefit from our experience in highly automated driving (HAD), steer-by-wire (SbW), heavy commercial vehicles (HCVs), as well as software and services.

Passenger cars and light commerical vehicles (LCV)

An electric steering system that is tailored perfectly to the exact requirements of passenger cars, sports cars, and light commercial vehicles provides the basis for the successful implementation of all driver assistance systems. Thanks to its electronic interface, EPS enables highly automated driving up to SAE level 4.

Do you require a customized steering solution for a special use case? We can adapt the electric power steering to your specific vehicle, regardless of the production volume. We accompany you throughout the entire product engineering cycle and implement your requirements in individual mechanical designs and software solutions. Be it technically complex volume-production projects or innovative studies – we engineer customized solutions on your behalf.

Picture of the front axle assembly of an electric power steering system for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles

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Custom software and function development

  • Derivation and preparation of software requirements specifications, software architectures, and SW architecture designs based on customer requirements
  • Development of basic software, including boot block, communication, and diagnostic software, in accordance with the automotive standard AUTOSAR
  • Development of software functions for, among other things, steering assistance, steering feel, and driver assistance systems
  • Software verification and validation using simulation applications and the latest test systems

Customer-specific mechanical design

We offer the following services for flexible and competent mechanical engineering at all stages of the product engineering cycle:

  • Customer-specific requirements management
  • Component and package consulting
  • Tailored design and development of (sub)components
  • Needs-based system test and validation concept based on a delta approach
  • Coordination of suppliers with regard to technical and organizational matters
  • Solution-focused change and release management

Calibration and approval

  • Customer-specific tuning of the steering feel by means of road tests conducted together with our customers on a variety of test tracks around the world (testing)
  • Calibration of steering-specific functions and driver assistance systems (steering-related)
  • Needs-based system test and validation concept (delta), from existing to new systems
  • Steering-specific extreme stress tests
  • Approval of the steering system in the target vehicle
  • Comprehensive engineering service: from the first development to the volume production release of the steering system
  • Tried-and-tested large-volume production technology

HAD and steer-by-wire

The electric steering systems for highly automated driving (HAD) offer the same advantages as the classic EPS while also enabling HAD functions. By removing the mechanical link between the steering wheel and car wheels, steer-by-wire (SbW) opens up innovative concepts for the vehicle interior as well as new functions.

Redundant safeguards for all safety-critical aspects ensure the reliability of the electric steering systems for highly automated driving and steer-by-wire systems. Our SbW systems offer you the following benefits:

  • Greater design freedom for the vehicle interior
  • New functions and features
  • Greater comfort and convenience
  • More opportunities for standardization
  • Lower overall cost of the vehicle
A 3D graphic symbolizes the steer-by-wire steering system

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Comprehensive engineering services for electric steering systems for highly automated driving and steer-by-wire systems:

  • Requirements management
  • Development of new software functions
  • Component and package consulting
  • Customer-specific design and development of (sub)components
  • Solution-focused change and release management
  • Customer-specific steering feel tuning based on road tests
  • Calibration of steering-specific functions and driver assistance systems (steering-related)
  • Needs-based system test and validation concept (delta), from existing to new systems
  • Steering-specific extreme stress tests
  • Approval of the steering system in the target vehicle

Flexible project scope: from the creation of demonstration vehicles to the preparation for volume production.

Heavy commercial vehicles (HCV)

A steering system tailored to the exact requirements of heavy commercial vehicles supports the driver and provides the basis for other driver assistance systems.

In the field of heavy commercial vehicles, drivers and vehicles are often on the road for very long periods. We provide you with a broad array of supportive functions – ranging from simple steering aids to advanced driver assistance systems – to offer drivers the best possible support in completing their tasks.

Detailed view of the Servotwin steering system for heavy commercial vehicles

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You benefit from our comprehensive engineering services – from software applications and consulting services to the selection of components and packages for the products Servotwin and rear-axle steering for multi-link axles.

  • Adaptation of tried-and-tested volume-production technology to vehicles with low production quantities and individual solutions
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration for different vehicle components from a single source

Software and services

Industry trends such as the software-defined vehicle, the centralization of actuator-controlled driving functions on a central computer, and modern engineering methods also have an impact on the steering system. We employ suitable services and software to implement your individual requirements.

New trends inevitably place new demands on the individual vehicle components. Due to the centralization of vehicle functions and the growing importance of the software-defined vehicle, standardized interfaces and components are playing an increasingly important role. At the same time, the decoupling of hardware and software is progressing at an ever faster rate, thus requiring you as an OEM to be more flexible in your selection of hardware and software suppliers.

We are happy to support you with our hardware-independent products and services. Do you already have a steering system from Bosch or from a different manufacturer? We can supply the right software and services in either case.

Two experts in software and services for steering systems with a laptop in a vehicle

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  • Continuous X for accelerating internal processes and boosting the delivery frequency of steering software
  • Use of artificial intelligence to realize new steering functions and to accelerate internal processes (e.g., AI-based product optimizations)
  • Simulation as a service and simulation as a product
  • Software as a product
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration for different vehicle segments
  • Individually tailored solutions
  • “Fast time to market” approach with modern methods for risk minimization

Your contact

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our expert.

Markus Rentschler, Senior Sales Manager

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