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Bosch Engineering

Battery in the cloud

Cloud-based battery solutions offer more power and a longer service life. Our four basic services boost battery performance and increase residual value security.

Lifetime monitoring

Continuous data analysis allows you to constantly monitor battery performance. Detecting anomalies early enables timely countermeasures, reducing warranty costs and the likelihood of failures.

Shorter development times and emerging technologies lead to greater risks in volume production. Our cloud-based battery service continuously monitors the batteries of electric vehicles, identifies stress factors, and indicates potential anomalies at an early stage. Based on this information, battery failures can be avoided with greater reliability. This optimizes the operation of entire vehicle fleets.

Graphical overview showing the solutions from Bosch Engineering for battery lifetime monitoring in the field of electromobility

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We consolidate competencies from the areas of batteries, artificial intelligence, big data, and energy management. This allows us to produce end-to-end solutions for battery lifetime monitoring, which can be integrated into various architecture concepts. Our cloud-based services are tailored to your existing battery type and connected to your established cloud infrastructure.

Prevent premature battery aging

Premature battery aging is attributable to different factors, which are often related to usage behavior. Our lifetime monitoring identifies these stress factors and detects anomalies at the battery’s cell, module, and package level at an early stage. Smart algorithms analyze the vehicle data in the cloud, applying the principle of swarm intelligence: It takes into account not only the battery data from individual vehicles but also from the entire fleet.

Use of digital twins and artificial intelligence

The data acquired in connected vehicles is transmitted to a cloud, where a digital twin exists for each battery. Our virtual, cloud-based copy of real batteries comprises electrochemical and data-driven models combined with battery data. To detect potential anomalies at cell or module level, we employ hybrid models that combine electrochemical models with machine learning methods. The combination of electrochemistry and artificial intelligence ensures particularly accurate analyses of battery data with minimal uncertainty.

  • Identifikation und frühzeitige Vermeidung von Stressfaktoren für Batterien von Elektrofahrzeugen
  • Vermeidung spontaner Batterieausfälle erhöht Fahrzeugverfügbarkeit sowie Kundenzufriedenheit
  • Optimierung des Flottenmanagement
  • Unterstützung bei der Ursachenanalyse von Batterieausfällen

Aging prediction

With our self-learning cloud service, you can make accurate, long-term predictions regarding battery aging. This allows you, as a manufacturer, to plan more effectively and minimize financial risks.

A visual inspection is insufficient to assess the condition of the batteries in electric vehicles, particularly regarding the remaining service life and capacity of batteries in the field. Based on real usage data from connected vehicles, our innovative service makes an accurate, long-term prediction regarding battery condition and performance. Our solution uses sophisticated methods that combine artificial intelligence with precise electrochemical battery models to achieve particularly accurate predictions.

Graphical overview showing the solutions from Bosch Engineering for battery aging predictions in the field of electromobility

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We consolidate competencies from the areas of batteries, artificial intelligence, big data, and energy management. This allows us to produce end-to-end solutions for aging prediction, which can be integrated into various architecture concepts. Our cloud-based services are tailored to your existing battery type and connected to your established cloud infrastructure.

Use of self-learning systems

Battery data from the connected vehicles in the field is acquired on a continuous basis and transmitted to the Bosch cloud, where it is analyzed and evaluated using smart algorithms. The battery service not only calculates current battery condition but also provides long-term predictions and identifies critical conditions in advance. To calculate the current and future battery condition in electric vehicles, we employ hybrid models for data analysis purposes. These combine physical battery models with artificial intelligence and large volumes of battery data (big data). The result is a self-learning system that can calculate and predict battery condition as well as the remaining lifetime and performance with extreme accuracy and reliability.

  • Accurate prediction of the battery condition enables proactive warranty management for electric vehicle batteries
  • Long prediction time frame of up to eight years
  • Analysis period of less than three months required for accurate calculation and prediction
  • Great accuracy when calculating battery aging and making predictions
  • Early warning of failures and corresponding maintenance recommendations
  • Predictive analysis and evaluation of current and alternative stress factors for optimum utilization of the individual battery
  • Increased vehicle availability due to prevention of failures

Lifetime optimization

Benefit from vehicle-specific charging configurations. They will increase battery life, reduce charging times, and protect your batteries in operation.

The traction battery is among the most important and costly components of any electric vehicle. Battery aging and loss of performance can impair the driving experience by decreasing the electric vehicle’s range and can result in considerable costs when the battery needs repair or replacement. The cloud-based battery service calculates vehicle-specific charging configurations to extend battery life or to enable shorter charging times while also protecting the battery.

Graphical overview showing the solutions from Bosch Engineering for battery lifetime optimization in the field of electromobility

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We consolidate competencies from the areas of batteries, artificial intelligence, big data, and energy management. This allows us to produce end-to-end solutions for battery lifetime optimization, which can be integrated into various architecture concepts. Our cloud-based services are tailored to your existing battery type and connected to your established cloud infrastructure.

Targeted measures for extending battery lifetime:

  • Individual calculation of optimum charging profiles and user recommendations for battery-preserving driving and charging
  • Option to select different charging modes
  • Thermal preconditioning of the battery to ensure optimum charging operations
  • At the charging station, electric vehicle users can opt to recharge their vehicle using a special mode that preserves the battery’s health, thus extending the lifetime of the traction battery. The optimum charging profile is made available to the vehicle from the cloud.
  • At fast charging stations, users can also select fast-charging mode for their traction battery via an app. The battery then charges more quickly than in standard charging mode, without reducing the battery lifetime.
  • To facilitate the integration of the battery services, we provide a software development kit (SDK) for your vehicles. The SDK interprets regularly created and updated charging profiles from the battery service to optimize battery lifespan, setting power limits for the vehicle during charging.
  • The integrity and confidentiality of the charging profiles is ensured by appropriate security measures. At your request, we can also integrate functions to ensure optimum preprocessing of all battery data collected in the vehicle before it is transmitted to the cloud.

Our smart services for preserving battery health during charging optimize the operating conditions of the traction battery in various ways and thereby help to extend battery lifetime. Based on battery data from the connected vehicle, the cloud-based system uses electrochemical models to identify stress factors for the battery and actively helps to reduce these.

  • Implementation of battery-preserving charging modes in addition to the standard charging mode (selection via app)
  • Reduced wear of the traction batteries of electric vehicles, resulting in a longer battery service life
  • Quicker charging of the battery at fast charging stations without accelerating the battery aging process
  • Straightforward and convenient usage of optimum charging profiles in combination with our connected charging solutions
  • Easy integration of the battery services with the optional software development kit
  • Optional software development kit reduces costs thanks to optimized data quality
  • Differentiation from competitors through expanded service offerings as a vehicle manufacturer

Usage certificate

With our certification service, you can reliably assess the actual health status and residual value of a battery at any time. This helps to make your business more plannable.

The condition of the traction battery in an electric vehicle is crucial to the residual and resale value of both the vehicle and the battery itself. Uncertainty about what the battery is still worth can severely impair the business activities of many players in the electromobility ecosystem. From vehicle owners and sellers to fleet operators, leasing companies, and recycling businesses: our certification service provides certainty about the actual health status and residual value of a battery.

Graphical overview showing the solutions from Bosch Engineering for battery usage certificates in the field of electromobility

Find out more

We consolidate competencies from the areas of batteries, artificial intelligence, big data, and energy management. This allows us to produce end-to-end solutions for usage certificates, which can be integrated into various architecture concepts. Our cloud-based services are tailored to your existing battery type and connected to your established cloud infrastructure.

How we create your certificates

All data for batteries is collected and displayed in our cloud-based battery service. All stress factors that the battery has already been subjected to during its life cycle are taken into consideration. This is used to calculate the remaining service life. Transparent and tamper-proof information about the actual battery condition is always available in the digital twin. Users can download the certificate as a digitally signed PDF or can have it sent by email. Paper printouts of the certificate are protected by a watermark. All key performance indicators for identifying and predicting battery condition have been developed in close cooperation with partners from the electromobility ecosystem, ensuring that all relevant data for evaluating the battery condition is recorded. In addition, all processes relating to battery data acquisition have been independently tested and verified by the German Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (VDE).

  • More transparency regarding the condition and remaining lifetime of electric vehicle batteries
  • Tamper-proof certification of the battery condition based on real usage data
  • Higher resale value of electric vehicles
  • Potential for new and expanded business models for resale, financing, and recycling
  • VDE-tested processes for establishing all certification data

Your contact

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our expert.

Benedikt Roith, Solution Consultant

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