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Bosch Engineering


We adopt a holistic approach to energy management, integrating all vehicle subsystems while considering every electrical and thermal influencing variable.

Schematic overview of the electrical and thermal system of a vehicle

Highly efficient energy management is a key challenge in vehicle engineering. The goal is to develop optimized operating strategies using distributed data like temperature profiles, planned routes, and user behavior.

Schematic representation of the thermal management in an SUV with e-motor.

Leveraging our development expertise in thermal and energy management, we meet all your relevant criteria. Our cross-domain proficiency ensures comprehensive integration of all vehicle subsystems for optimal functionality. Key factors such as availability, reliability, and quality are essential to delivering a pleasant driving experience.

The key to energy management in vehicles

Comprehensive and overarching energy management in vehicles is key to efficient mobility solutions. We ensure perfect coordination between hardware, vehicle domains, and software solutions.

Individual solutions for energy management in the vehicle

Graphical overview of the convenience charging service

Convenience charging

The perfect user experience: convenience charging covers all facets of electric vehicle charging.

Graphical overview of the products from Bosch Engineering for batteries in electric vehicles

Battery in the cloud

Cloud-based service solutions for vehicle systems optimize the battery lifetime and enable aging predictions.

What sets our vehicle energy management apart 

Our experience, flexibility, and holistic approach raise your energy management to a whole new level.


Our extensive expertise in electronics, software development, and system integration forms the basis for our comprehensive development of energy management solutions. Leveraging our vast experience from numerous projects, we deliver tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.


We configure our solutions to suit your specific needs and requirements. We assist you in developing new solutions and adapting pre-developed, established products, and systems.


Our energy management functions are available to you regardless of whether you use Bosch components. We combine innovative, cloud-based solutions with efficient, reliable, and cross-vehicle onboard systems.


Your contact

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our expert.

Benedikt Roith, Solution Consultant