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Bosch Engineering

Visualization and parking functions

The remote park assist system and 360° panoramic view use parking sensors and near-range cameras to support the driver when maneuvering in and out of parking spaces – even in very tight gaps or in vehicles with restricted visibility.

3D panoramic view

With the 360° panoramic view generated from real-time camera images and the virtual vehicle model, drivers can always keep an eye on their surroundings. In addition, ultrasonic sensors show the distance from adjacent objects.

Many automotive manufacturers already offer ultrasonic parking aids in their vehicles. The driver assistance system makes parking much easier – even in the smallest spaces and when visibility is poor. In addition, near-range cameras generate a realistic representation of the vehicle surroundings. This provides drivers with an external view of the car, which in turn allows them to identify tight spots and obstacles to the side of the vehicle. Other assistance systems, such as park assist, also benefit from the data fusion between the camera and ultrasonic sensors.

Driver assistance system with sensor data fusion. It extends the measuring range and increases the reliability of sensor data.

Find out more

We integrate existing and validated Bosch assistance systems into your vehicle. In doing so, we always keep an eye on costs and quality. For your flexibility, we are always happy to accommodate individual customer requests and adaptations – regardless of the vehicle’s underlying architecture.   

  • Extensive experience in the field of driver assistance systems
  • Engineering services from the initial customer request to series production release
  • Specialization in small series production customers
  • Off-the-shelf Bosch ADAS components available
  • Global presence

Parking aid

The parking aid assists the driver with audiovisual signals – even in tight gaps with poor visibility. Emergency braking is supported at excessively high parking speeds.

Maneuvering in and out of parking spaces can be very challenging – not least when the gap is particularly tight. The distance from other vehicles is not always clear. With the audiovisual parking aid, drivers can enjoy relaxed and highly effective parking maneuvers. The bumpers are equipped with up to twelve ultrasonic sensors, which accurately measure the distance from other objects and display this inside the vehicle. The sensors can be painted in the vehicle color to make them as inconspicuous as possible.

The parking aid assists the driver with audiovisual signals. Emergency braking is supported at excessively high parking speeds.

Find out more

We integrate existing and validated driver assistance systems from Bosch into your vehicle. In doing so, we pay particular attention to both costs and quality. For maximum flexibility, we are happy to accommodate your specific requests and adaptations – regardless of the vehicle’s underlying architecture.   

  • Extensive experience in the field of driver assistance systems
  • Engineering services from the initial customer request to series production release
  • Specialization in small series production customers
  • Off-the-shelf Bosch ADAS components available
  • Global presence

Park assist

The Bosch park assist system puts an end to the laborious search for the right parking space. The system automatically recognizes every suitable gap before parking the car quickly and safely.

Parking spaces are in short supply, and finding one can be a highly frustrating experience. The automatic parking systems from Bosch make parking maneuvers safer, more convenient, and more efficient. The park assist system uses ultrasonic sensors and cameras to identify a suitable space before parking the car automatically. The driver merely has to accelerate and brake. The assistance system reduces the risk of accidents and makes even the tightest gap a viable parking space.

The Bosch park assist uses cameras and ultrasonic sensors to detect parking spaces and parks automatically

Find out more

We integrate existing and validated Bosch assistance systems into your vehicle. In doing so, we always keep an eye on costs and quality. We are always happy to accommodate individual customer requests and adaptations – regardless of the vehicle’s underlying architecture.

  • Extensive experience in the field of driver assistance systems
  • Engineering services from the initial customer request to series production release
  • Specialization in small series production customers
  • Availability of validated Bosch ADAS components

Remote park assist

Say goodbye to laborious maneuvering in and out of tight parking spaces. With the remote park assist function, the driver can access the vehicle remotely and have it park automatically at the touch of a button.

The remote park assist system from Bosch makes parking safer and more convenient than ever. The assistance system identifies suitable spaces as it drives past and informs the driver. The driver can start the parking operation via a smartphone app or using the car key. The vehicle drives in and out of the space automatically. This even works if the driver is outside the car. In this case, the system checks continuously that the driver is nearby and monitoring the parking maneuver.

The remote park assist system automatically moves the car in and out of a selected parking space.

Find out more

We integrate existing and validated Bosch assistance systems into your vehicle. In doing so, we always keep an eye on costs and quality. We are always happy to accommodate individual customer requests and adaptations – regardless of the vehicle’s underlying architecture.   

  • Extensive experience in the field of driver assistance systems
  • Engineering services from the initial customer request to series production release
  • Specialization in small series production customers
  • Availability of validated Bosch ADAS components

Your contact

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our expert.

Mario Tomassucci, Senior Sales Manager


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