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Bosch Engineering

Interior sensing

Our camera and radar systems for interior sensing detect driver drowsiness and children left behind in the car, while also serving as a means of driver authentication. With these systems, you will be in full compliance with the EU General Safety Regulation (GSR) and NCAP consumer tests until at least 2026.

Camera-based drowsiness detection

Camera-based systems for interior monitoring reliably detect whether the driver’s full attention is on the road or if they are showing signs of drowsiness. If the driver appears tired, the system will prompt them to take a break.

Within the EU, systems for detecting driver drowsiness are a mandatory requirement for all new vehicles as of July 2024. They help to prevent accidents and are a prerequisite for some assisted driving functions. A visual and acoustic warning notifies drivers in good time that their attention is diminishing and they should therefore take a break. In an assisted driving mode, such as Bosch driving assist in “hands-free” mode, drivers are instructed to assume control of the vehicle so that the journey can continue without accidents.

Within the EU, systems for detecting driver drowsiness are a mandatory requirement for all new vehicles as of July 2024

Find out more

We can advise and support you in selecting suitable components and software for drowsiness detection and tailor these to your existing architecture. In doing so, we employ technology from the Bosch portfolio that has been tested in the field and can be integrated into your mobility system as an attractively priced solution.

  • We have extensive experience in the field of driver assistance
  • We offer engineering services for drowsiness detection systems encompassing everything from the initial customer request to volume production release
  • Our focus is on small-batch applications
  • The ADAS components from the Bosch portfolio are available off-the-shelf
  • Our products meet the requirements of NCAP and the EU General Safety Regulation (GSR)

Occupant classification

In addition to driver attention monitoring, our cabin sensing radar and the occupant monitoring camera can be used to identify and classify other vehicle occupants, thereby enhancing both their safety and comfort.

Our image processing algorithms identify various occupant characteristics, including height, seating position, and movements within the vehicle interior. Based on these attributes, our systems classify occupants and determine their precise location inside the vehicle. In addition, radar-based information is used to detect the presence of children in the vehicle. As of July 2024, the EU General Safety Regulation (GSR) requires such systems to be fitted to all newly registered vehicles. This is to prevent small children being left alone in vehicles and exposed to the risk of heat stroke, for example.

OMC monitors and detects the entire vehicle interior by means of an image processing algorithm.

Find out more

We employ tried-and-tested, validated solutions from the Bosch portfolio. We integrate the classification functions into the architectures of your mobility systems and can customize them according to your specific requirements. Throughout the process, we prioritize cost-efficiency and high quality.

  • We have extensive experience in the field of driver assistance
  • We offer engineering services for occupant classification systems encompassing everything from the initial customer request to volume production release
  • Our focus is on small-batch applications
  • The ADAS components from the Bosch portfolio are available off-the-shelf
  • Our products meet the requirements of NCAP and the EU General Safety Regulation (GSR)


Our smart occupant monitoring camera system reliably identifies drivers, enhancing both comfort and safety.

Video-based authentication uses facial recognition technology to verify a person’s identity. By utilizing complex algorithms, this technology identifies key facial features, such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. It can recognize the driver and activate personalized settings, enhancing both safety and comfort. Additionally, in security-related applications, it prevents unauthorized individuals from operating the vehicle.

Smart occupant monitoring camera system (OMC) for reliable identification of drivers, increased comfort, and greater safety.

Find out more

We employ tried-and-tested, validated solutions from the Bosch portfolio. We integrate the authentication functions into the architectures of your mobility systems and can make individual adjustments at your request. In doing so, we always keep an eye on costs and quality.

  • We have extensive experience in the field of driver assistance
  • We offer engineering services for driver authentication systems encompassing everything from the initial customer request to volume production release
  • Our focus is on small-batch applications
  • The ADAS components from the Bosch portfolio are available off-the-shelf
  • Our products meet the requirements of NCAP and the EU General Safety Regulation (GSR)

Your contact

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our expert.

Mario Tomassucci, Senior Sales Manager

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