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Bosch Engineering

Driving functions

We help your customers to reach their destination both safely and comfortably. We employ cutting-edge technologies for our assistance systems to raise vehicle safety and the overall driving experience to a whole new level.

Bosch driving assist

From adaptive cruise control to lane keeping assist and automatic lane changes: with the Bosch driving assist system, we gradually enhance the driving experience of your customers up to SAE level 2.

The market for SAE level 2 has become a key focus in recent years. The combination of functions offering both longitudinal and lateral control is already an established standard and enables a safe and comfortable journey. The driving assistance functions for “automatic lane changes” and “hands-free” operation optimize the driving experience and even include safe emergency stops. You can also choose and expand additional functions on a selective basis – adapted to the relevant vehicle type and market. As a result, you will already have made an important step toward SAE level 3.

Driving assistance functions from Bosch Engineering for SAE level 2 and as a step toward SAE level 3

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We integrate existing and validated Bosch driver assistance systems into your vehicle. In doing so, we always keep an eye on costs and quality. We are always happy to accommodate individual customer requests and adaptations – regardless of the vehicle’s underlying architecture.

  • Extensive experience in the field of driver assistance systems
  • End-to-end engineering services from the initial customer request to series production release
  • Specialization in small series production customers
  • Off-the-shelf Bosch ADAS components available
  • Global presence

Automatic emergency braking (AEB)

In dangerous situations, the automatic emergency braking assist helps to prevent or minimize the severity of rear-end collisions. It can also prevent collisions with other vehicles or crossing pedestrians during turning maneuvers.

After all, our utmost priority is to prevent traffic fatalities and injuries. The General Safety Regulation (GSR) and NCAP guidelines impose new safety requirements on you. In the event of impending rear-end collisions, a potential collision with cross or oncoming traffic or during reversing, the automatic emergency braking system can help to prevent or at least minimize the resulting damage. The system warns the driver and, if necessary, initiates partial or even full emergency braking. Enhanced sensor systems help to recognize traffic and road users with even greater precision.

3D graphic showing the automatic emergency braking due to unprotected road users

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With our validated Bosch solutions, we provide you with customized assistance systems. We integrate these into your vehicle architecture both cost-effectively and with maximum quality.

  • Extensive experience in the field of driver assistance systems and automotive safety
  • Engineering services ranging from studies to fully developed, production-ready products
  • Specialization in small series production customers
  • Off-the-shelf Bosch ADAS components
  • International presence

Lane assistance systems

During long journeys on highways and motorways, the lane keeping assist system from Bosch helps the driver to stay safely in lane. Depending on the function, this takes the form of a warning or active steering and braking interventions.

Driving for many hours can lead to inattention and potentially even microsleep. Accidental lane departure of the vehicle can then result in accidents. In the event of an impending collision or inadvertent crossing of lane markings, the lane keeping assist function takes effect and guides the driver back into the correct lane. During lane changes, the system helps to detect other vehicles in the driver’s blind spot. Drivers can also activate the preventive lane centering assist function, which effectively keeps the vehicle in lane for a more comfortable journey.

By means of sensors and targeted steering or braking interventions, the lane keeping assist system actively supports the driver in staying inside the marked lane

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  • Lane departure warning
  • Blind spot detection
  • Lane keeping assist
  • Emergency lane keeping assist
  • Lane centering assist

We support you in selecting the essential functions for your needs as well as with their integration into your existing or newly developed vehicle architecture. In doing so, we always keep an eye on costs and quality.

  • Competent consulting services in driver assistance and safety systems
  • Focus on small-batch production customers
  • Off-the-shelf Bosch ADAS components
  • NCAP rating support

Evasive steering support

In the event of an impending collision with a vehicle or person, most drivers perform evasive maneuvers to prevent this collision. Evasive steering assist from Bosch helps to ensure that the obstacle is safely avoided.

Evasive maneuvers represent a great challenge for even the most experienced drivers. By understeering or oversteering, they can quickly lose control of the vehicle in such situations. To maintain driving stability, the evasive steering support system uses targeted steering torque inputs to assist with critical maneuvers. This allows the driver to safely avoid any obstacles. The assistance system uses radar and camera data to calculate a suitable evasive path, thereby reducing the driver’s response time.

A 3D graphic shows how evasive steering support detects impending collisions and supports a faster evasive maneuver

Find out more

We integrate existing and validated Bosch solutions into your systems. In doing so, we always have a clear focus on both costs and quality. We are happy to accommodate your individual requests and adaptations – regardless of the vehicle’s underlying architecture.

  • Competent consulting services in driver assistance and safety systems
  • Focus on small-batch production customers
  • Off-the-shelf Bosch ADAS components
  • NCAP rating support

Your contact

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our expert.

Mario Tomassucci, Senior Sales Manager

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