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Bosch Engineering

On-board engineering services

From the comprehensive analysis of your E/E architecture to the concept development and preparation for series production: we provide you with individual engineering services and take care of the integration, verification, and validation according to industry-specific standards. We assume responsibility for the compliant development of quality benchmarks and standards, in particular regarding functional safety, cybersecurity, and diagnostics capability.

E/E architecture

In developing your E/E architecture, we unite requirements such as performance, reliability, and safety with principles such as standardization, expandability, and maintainability, while also taking your business objectives into account.

As a developer of connected mobility solutions, you face several challenges: integrating new technologies and functions, ensuring compatibility with existing systems, and optimizing resource utilization. Additionally, it is essential to consider safety, quality standards, cost, and time factors. We adopt a methodical approach when it comes to engineering your E/E architecture: we take your business objectives into account and combine the requirements and conditions of all relevant parties to provide you with the best possible solution.

Symbolic image for the distribution of an on-board E/E architecture in a vehicle

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From the comprehensive analysis of your E/E architecture to the concept development and preparation for volume production: we provide ideal solutions for your challenges and goals.

We have extensive experience with various mobility solutions and we can cope with a wide range of (solution) variants. Our innovative strength and access to new technologies make us the ideal partner for engineering your E/E architectures for mobility systems and applications. To shorten engineering cycles, we also offer predeveloped architecture concepts which we are happy to adapt to your specific requirements.

Thermal management & power supply system

The availability and distribution of thermal and electrical energy is essential for reliable system operation. We ensure that the thermal and energy management is precisely coordinated within your architecture.

Electrical safety, conformity with standards, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and reliability are essential when planning power supply and powertrain-related electrical systems of a vehicle. Additional challenges are the increasing complexity of the systems as well as cost, efficiency, and weight optimization issues.

Efficient energy management can help maximize performance. In e-mobility, intelligent cooling and heat management enhance electric vehicle range and ensure reliable component function across a wide temperature spectrum.

Symbolic image for the distribution of electrical system components in a vehicle

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We engineer thermal management as well as power supply and powertrain-related electric systems – tailored to your individual challenges and goals.

New technologies such as x-by-wire or automated and autonomous driving at SAE level 3 and SAE level 4 place new demands on the power supply and powertrain-related electrical systems as well as the thermal management. We can help you to meet all technical and non-technical requirements.

With our holistic approach, supported by modeling and simulation, we analyze interactions and interdependencies and assess and optimize the consequences of design decisions. Based on the selected design, we derive specifications for associated components or subsystems. As early as the development phase, we integrate them into our test environments to ensure the correct interplay between components and to validate the objectives.

Cross-functional engineering: to develop customized HV and LV electrical systems, we combine our expertise from the fields of electrics, electronics, mechanics, and vehicle technology domains. In the development of complete system solutions, components, and functions, we employ pre-engineered modular solutions and build on our long-standing expertise. Developing the thermal system, we attach particular importance to adaptable and reusable elements.

Supported by simulation: with our simulation concepts and model databases, quick and reliable assessments on the system design can be performed. Common evaluation cycles such as WLTP or alternative customer-specific profiles are used for benchmarking.

Digital twin: would you like to analyze and optimize your product across its entire life cycle? We can help you to take the first steps in creating a digital “physical” twin. Our team will work with you to devise the right procedure, for example, in a workshop. Please contact us for further information.

Communication networks

To ensure a smooth information flow between the various functions and subsystems, connected mobility solutions require powerful communication networks.

Developing communication networks usually involves several challenges for you: complex communication protocols, high bandwidth and latency requirements, security and manipulation protection, network management, diagnostics, and troubleshooting. We have the expertise to support you with this process and will work with you to devise the ideal solution for your product.

Symbolic image for connected systems and functions in a vehicle

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From the initial consulting to the development of the communication networks and definition of protocols: we offer the right service to address your specific challenges and objectives. In doing so, we will adapt our approach to your individual needs.

You benefit from optimized solutions for the distribution of information both within and outside the vehicle. Our solutions are based on long-standing expertise in the development of complete systems, functions, and communication protocols. They support sustainable expansion and ensure the secure connection of interfaces.

We work model-based, either in our own environment or, alternatively, adapted to your processes and tools.

Features & functionality

The innovative strength and market success of a vehicle largely depend on its features. Embedded in a suitable E/E architecture, we derive the end-to-end function distribution and component requirements from your features.

Implementing functions under cost pressure and in shortened development cycles while also complying with legal regulations and safety requirements is a very challenging process.

Our interdisciplinary engineering team uses its own MBSE methodology and database to implement your requested features in a consistent design. We support you throughout the entire process: from the concept phase and procurement to volume production and beyond. All in the name of future-proof solutions in the areas of Motion, Energy, ADAS, Body & Comfort, as well as the innovation field of automated driving.

Symbolic image for the development of brand-specific features in a vehicle

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Looking to pursue an entirely new approach or expand the features of your existing platform? We can adapt the technical scope, procedural model, and range of services to your specific objectives.

Once you have identified your performance requirements and main use cases, you are promptly faced with new questions relating to interdependencies with other functions and restrictions resulting from the adoption of existing function modules. Without an in-depth examination of these issues, the implementation teams for the components and software will be unable to act. An efficient process and intelligent prioritization are now crucial to identifying quick solutions.

  • Our database contains over 220 pre-engineered feature chains. These can be applied to established cross-domain or centralized E/E architecture concepts. In addition, we can support you in setting up your own model-based engineering environment.
  • We provide you with our integrated AI solutions and Continuous X pipelines. Our AI experts implement your individual applications for you.
  • Our experienced engineering team provides you with tailored, individual advice and support during your project.

System integration, validation, and verification

Our services in system integration, verification, and validation ensure that the functions of your mobility system are correctly combined, comply with the relevant specifications and standards, satisfy user requirements, and were tested in real scenarios.

As a vehicle, system, or component manufacturer operating in the rapidly evolving mobility ecosystem, you face the considerable challenge of integrating and approving highly connected functions applied in increasingly complex systems. A functioning mobility solution requires effective interaction between a wide range of sensors, actuators, control units, vehicle computers, and cloud solutions. At the same time, it is important to meet the requirements stipulated by relevant legal regulations as well as applicable rules on safety, security, and diagnostics.

We take responsibility for the approval of your mobility solution from individual components to the overall vehicle level and across all engineering phases. In this, our primary aim is to ensure that your system meets the highest standard in terms of quality, reliability, and sustainability.

Symbolic image for the integration of highly connected E/E subsystems and functionalities in a vehicle

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An integral element of our services is the planning, coordination and monitoring of all approval activities across all engineering phases. Our services are structured into the following areas:

Defect and configuration management

On the one hand, defect and configuration management involves tracking and eliminating errors and deviations that were identified during engineering and approval activities. On the other hand, we assume responsibility for the development and monitoring of a SW/HW configuration and approval plan.

System integration

With system integration, the focus is on the E/E integration of components for a mobility system, including the commissioning of the test environments, development and execution of the “startup” and integration test cases, creation of corresponding test reports, and representation of errors or deviations in the “defect management board.”

V&V engineering

The services of V&V engineering focus on the development, implementation and automation of test cases for the approval of a mobility system, considering all existing test environments. The execution of test cases, analysis of test results, creation of test reports, and presentation of errors or deviations in the “defect management board” are also part of the service spectrum.

Test environments

Our high-performance test environments, such as the high-voltage hardware in the loop test bench, for the approval of entire powertrain, driver assistance, steering, braking, and connectivity systems complete our range of services and reduce both the time and costs involved in the approval process.

  • Benefit from our long-standing experience with the approval of highly connected functions for powertrain, driver assistance, steering, braking, and connectivity systems.
  • Use our efficient and preconfigured integration, simulation, and test environments to reduce your development time and costs.
  • We recognize potential and utilize synergies during approval activities by identifying and merging redundant test routines practiced by you and your suppliers.
  • By assuming responsibility for the approval of newly engineered mobility systems as well as country-specific variants, we not only reduce your workload but also ensure timely approval.

Your contact

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our expert.

Jürgen Sojka, Senior Sales Manager

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