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Bosch Engineering

Operational excellence

Our service include R&D optimization, process consulting and manufacturing excellence. We provide individual support for each of these areas.

R&D optimization

R&D optimization

Engineering excellence, innovative strength, cost optimization, and systems engineering

The demands on modern product development continue to rise. In addition to efficiency targets and requirements that arise from processes and standards, companies are increasingly facing new demands related to matters such as sustainability and the increasing complexity resulting from the interconnection of hardware and software.

Our experts will assist you in maintaining a clear overview and implementing a lean product engineering process. With our vast experience across a range of product areas and applications, we can assemble the optimal teams to address your challenges.

We provide practice-oriented solutions for your projects, regardless of whether you require engineering excellence or systems engineering. Our consultants collaborate with managers and associates of your company to develop concepts. By implementing these concepts, you will enhance your innovative strength, reduce development costs, optimize product costs, and improve efficiency throughout the product development process.

Process consulting

Bosch Engineering Consulting

Process management, process efficiency, functional safety, and cybersecurity

Take control of your individual business processes through regulatory measures and activities to enable your business to adapt to legal, customer, or project requirements. It is essential to strike the right balance between benefit and expenditure in order to ensure the success of your business.

We will collaborate with you to identify key areas for action and provide guidance on developing structured approaches to problem management. The next step is to develop implementation proposals and then drive the process of change together with you. In this process, we consider the entirety of your value chain and do not simply introduce optimizations at specific, individual points.

Excerpt from our service portfolio

  • Process management
  • Process efficiency
  • Functional safety
  • Cybersecurity

Manufacturing excellence

Manufacturing excellence

Value stream planning and optimization, production process technology, Industry 4.0, smart factory

Our comprehensive consulting services include value stream planning and optimization as well as replanning of production processes and comprehensive optimization of manufacturing. Additionally, we provide strategies and implementation for your smart factory. Benefit from our extensive experience in a variety of industries. Our extensive network of experts allows us to develop a strategy tailored to your specific needs and subsequently implement the most suitable measures.

Industry 4.0

For further details, please refer to our Bosch Industry Consulting website

Excerpt from our service portfolio

  • Value stream planning and optimization
  • Consulting on production process technology
  • Technology evaluation
  • Smart production
  • Supply chain management

Your benefits with us


Highly qualified employees with passion

Cross-domain expertise


Have we sparked your interest?

Your Bosch Engineering contact Tim Weyer will be happy to advise you.