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Bosch Engineering
Bosch Tram Suite: seamless monitoring of vehicle surroundings

Light rail and trams

For more than ten years, we have been developing driver assistance systems designed specifically for tram operation. These are based on tried-and-tested automotive technology from Bosch and help to reduce the risk of accidents. Our systems make complete surround sensing and perception for your tram fleet a reality.

Tram forward assist

Our camera systems and radar sensors of the latest generation monitor the area in front of the tram, detect other traffic participants, and warn against potential accident risks.

Accidents involving trams result in high repair costs, reduce the availability of the fleet, and disrupt the tram schedule. Our tram assist suite minimizes the risk of accidents and disruptions in a targeted manner, thereby increasing the availability of your fleet.

Our modular assistance system tram forward assist is available in three configuration levels:

  • Tram forward assist with camera system and radar sensors of the latest generation
  • Tram forward assist plus featuring the standard forward assist technology with the addition of LiDAR sensors
  • Tram forward assist extended range with radar systems at both ends of the vehicle to reduce the risk of rear-end collisions for your trams when traveling at higher speeds and in tight bends
3D graphic of a tram with driver assistance system tram forward assist, which warns of head-on collisions

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Greater safety for your tram fleet.

Tram forward assist:

  • Warning of head-on collisions up to 80 km/h
  • Prevention of head-on collisions up to 45 km/h
  • Signal and traffic sign recognition incl. speed limiter
  • Adaptive cruise control (ACC)
  • Warning of potential side impacts

Tram forward assist plus:

  • All functions of forward assist
  • Detection of obstacles protruding into the structure gauge
  • Detection of damage to the catenary
  • Detection of persons lying or sitting in the area of the tracks

Forward assist extended range

  • Detection of preceding or following trams over great distances and in very tight bends
  • Enhanced safety, fewer driver-related accidents
  • Increased comfort and greater relief for driving personnel
  • Fewer delays and breakdowns
  • Fewer repairs, lower repair costs

Tram near range assist

Our ultrasound-based assistance system detects obstacles and dangerous situations in the near range of your tram vehicles.

Accidents involving trams result in high repair costs, reduce the availability of vehicles, and disrupt the tram schedule. Our tram assist suite minimizes the risk of accidents and disruptions in a targeted manner, thereby increasing the availability of your fleet.

The tram near range assist system uses ultrasonic sensors to monitor the near range of your tram vehicles – in all directions if required. The system detects persons located, for example, directly in front of a tram car or between two coupled trams.

3D graphic of a tram with driver assistance system tram near range assist, which recognizes people in front of the vehicle

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Greater safety in the near range of your trams

  • Collision warning in the case of obstacles directly in front of the tram cars
  • Detection of persons in the coupling area
  • Coupling assistance at the depot
  • Platform detection prevents doors opening on the wrong side
  • Enhanced safety, fewer driver-related accidents
  • Increased comfort and greater relief for driving personnel
  • Fewer delays and breakdowns
  • Fewer repairs, lower repair costs

Tram flank assist

Our radar-based system detects vehicles to the side of your tram power cars. It also enhances the surround sensing function in combination with the tram forward assist system.

Accidents involving trams result in high repair costs, reduce the availability of vehicles, and disrupt the tram schedule. Our tram assist suite minimizes the risk of accidents and disruptions in a targeted manner, thereby increasing the availability of your fleet.

Particularly in inner-city traffic, trams are required to share public traffic areas with other vehicles. When these vehicles enter the area of the tracks, for example, when cornering or turning, this increases the risk of accidents. The tram flank assist system reduces this accident risk by using radar sensors to monitor blind spots that are difficult to see by the tram drivers.

3D graphic of a tram train with driver assistance system tram flank assist, which detects hazards beside the vehicle

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It provides a clearer view where other vehicles move close to the track area.

  • Detection of vehicles in blind spots beside the tram car
  • Warning of any vehicles that may enter the track area
  • Enhanced safety, fewer driver-related accidents
  • Increased comfort and greater relief for driving personnel
  • Fewer delays and breakdowns
  • Fewer repairs, lower repair costs

Tram focus assist

Our system with an infrared camera monitors the driver’s cab and detects whether or not the tram driver is focusing on their tasks.

Accidents involving trams result in high repair costs, reduce the availability of vehicles, and disrupt the tram schedule. Our tram assist suite minimizes the risk of accidents and disruptions in a targeted manner, thereby increasing the availability of your fleet.

Human error remains one of the main causes of traffic accidents, and this also applies to tram drivers. Our tram focus assist system uses a near-range camera system to monitor the upper body and facial expressions of the driver. It checks whether the person in the driver’s seat is focused on their task and issues a warning if it detects any distraction, tiredness, or microsleep. It also intervenes in the tram operation if the driver should leave their workplace, for example, due to a medical emergency.

3D graphic of a tram driver’s cab with icons symbolizing the monitoring functions

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Focus assist system offers greater protection against driver-related accidents

  • Detection whether driver is distracted
  • Detection of microsleep and tiredness
  • Detection if driver leaves the correct seating position, e.g., in the event of a medical emergency
  • Enhanced safety, fewer driver-related accidents
  • Relief of driving personnel with the support of a virtual codriver
  • Reduced downtimes
  • Fewer repairs, lower repair costs

Connected services

Wireless software updates and service releases ensure that your Bosch tram assist suite is always up to date.

Connected vehicles are the future – and tram operators are no exception. Connectivity enables remote monitoring, diagnosis, and configuration of your vehicles. This maximizes the availability of your tram fleet and ensures that your vehicles are kept up to date with the latest technology and features throughout their service life.

Our vision for the future is one of highly available, automated tram operations, enabled by powerful sensor systems and smart connectivity. These solutions represent our contribution to technologically sophisticated and highly safe public transport.

Connected vehicles with our communication architecture comprising hardware and software for connectivity and telemetry.

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Connected services ensure that your vehicles are kept up to date with the latest technology.

  • Wireless software updates and service releases
  • Remote monitoring, diagnosis, and configuration
  • Software solutions for system performance diagnostics, reporting, and analyses
  • Continuously enhanced product quality thanks to connectivity: operating data of the tram assist suite can be analyzed on an ongoing basis for all users, thus allowing improvements to be implemented for all tram operators
  • You benefit from this operating data analysis in the form of product updates, which are distributed over the air
  • Our approach ensures maximum product quality across the entire service life

Your contact

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact our expert.

Rene Hoepfner, Senior Sales Manager