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Bosch Engineering

Our company in figures

100 percent Bosch 

For more than 125 years, our customers have been putting their trust in Bosch automotive technology. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH, we have access to the products and innovations of the entire Bosch Group. We are connected with 1,400 developers in the research and advance engineering department at Robert Bosch GmbH, as well as countless colleagues in the various other Bosch divisions and plants. We aim to supply automotive technology with customized services for unique projects. It’s the best of both worlds.

Giving 100 percent for our customers

We understand what our customers want and direct our development services to reflect that. Our goal is to win our customers over with tailored development services that are trustworthy, flexible, and on schedule. But how do you measure customer satisfaction? We say it’s when the project ends with a smile on the customer’s face.

More than 800 customer projects a year

Since Bosch Engineering was founded in 1999, our developers and engineers have seen more than 4,500 customer projects through to completion – more than 800 of them in 2018 alone. One of our biggest projects ran for 26 months and brought together more than 150 associates from various departments. Internally, then, our work is connected and interdisciplinary, and we bring that same integrated approach to our work with our customers. Our software and system solutions help them achieve lasting success.

More than 3,000 associates

Today Bosch Engineering numbers more than 3,000 associates from 55 different countries. Values such as fairness, reliability, responsibility, and initiative are not merely something we talk about on paper. That’s why our associates really identify with the company and saying they are proud to work for Bosch.

From 0 to 24 cylinders, and from a batch size of 1

Our development services reduce fuel consumption, automate driving functions, improve dynamics, and make driving safer and more comfortable. As a partner for engineering services, we support our customers’ activities with complete solutions – even for a batch size of 1.

Where we come from

1999 Founding of ASSET Automotive Systems und Engineering Technology GmbH as 100% subsidiary of the Bosch Group
Founding of ASSET Automotive Systems und Engineering Technology GmbH as 100% subsidiary of the Bosch Group
Acquisition of erphi electronic GmbH
Founding of ASSET Automotive Systems und Engineering Technology GmbH as 100% subsidiary of the Bosch Group
Change of name to Bosch Engineering GmbH and integration of Bosch Motorsport
2006 - 2015
Founding of ASSET Automotive Systems und Engineering Technology GmbH as 100% subsidiary of the Bosch Group
Founding of locations in Japan, France, North America, Austria, China, United Kingdom, Brazil, Italy and Holzkirchen
Founding of ASSET Automotive Systems und Engineering Technology GmbH as 100% subsidiary of the Bosch Group
Erphi electronics GmbH is renamed to Bosch Systems Engineering GmbH
Founding of ASSET Automotive Systems und Engineering Technology GmbH as 100% subsidiary of the Bosch Group
Merging of Bosch Engineering GmbH and Bosch Systems GmbH and renaming to Bosch Engineering GmbH
Founding of ASSET Automotive Systems und Engineering Technology GmbH as 100% subsidiary of the Bosch Group
Acquisition of ITK Engineering by Robert Bosch GmbH. Expansion of the portfolio to include customer-specific and platform-independent software solutions.
Founding of ASSET Automotive Systems und Engineering Technology GmbH as 100% subsidiary of the Bosch Group
Bosch Engineering celebrates 25th anniversary
Get in touch with us

Get in touch with us

+49 (0) 7062 911-02

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