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Bosch Engineering

Student competitions and workshops

We reward your dedication.

The future is important to us – and so are our budding engineers. It is essential for us to reach out to enthusiastic, highly motivated, and qualified students. After all, talented young candidates with fresh ideas and extraordinary dedication are hugely important for the future of mobility.

That is why we already support you during your studies. Since 2007, Bosch Engineering GmbH has been official partner to Formula Student, an international constructors’ competition, in which students design and build their own race cars before rolling them out to face teams from all over the world in a number of competitive events. In the end, it isn’t necessarily the fastest car that wins: Rather, the team with the best overall package in terms of design and racing performance, budgeting, and sales arguments will take home the trophy.

Since 2015, Bosch Engineering GmbH has brought 200 students every year to a two-day workshop hosted by the company in Abstatt. There, autonomously driving (1:10-scale) model vehicles designed by the students are put through their paces as preparation for the Carolo Cup in Braunschweig.

Formular Student Boxberg

Formula Student: fostering young talent for the future of mobility

Formula Student is an international constructors’ competition. Students design and build their own race cars before rolling them out to face teams from all over the world. We find the dedication involved admirable and provide support to the students in the form of our components and expertise.

Carolo Cup Workshop

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Carolo Cup workshop: designing and developing together

Once a year, the Technische Universität Braunschweig (Technical University Braunschweig) hosts the Carolo Cup competition for college students, the aim of which is to develop and build autonomous model vehicles. In advance of this, we invite participants to attend the Carolo Cup workshop in Abstatt to give them our assistance and advice.

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