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Bosch Engineering

Recruiting Events

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MINToring - The mentoring program for female MINT students

Mentoring scheme for female STEM students

Are you open-minded, have an affinity for technology and want to actively develop yourself further? Then join our MINToring program!

With our mentoring program "MINToring" we support female students in the fields of mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology (MINT courses). Our mentors are door openers, advisors and feedback providers and support female students in questions of career planning and personal development.

What you can expect...

The program lasts one year. The official framework is formed by a kick-off, mid-term and closing event, at which all mentees and mentors come together.

In regular one-on-one meetings (about once a month), you can talk with your mentor about your own topics for professional and personal development.

Be part of it!

You can apply for the program starting in 2024.

More information will follow as soon as the program opens for applications.

Stay tuned!

Sneak Preview

Sneak preview: The event held by students, for students

The “sneak preview” event is independently planned, organized, and conducted by our students. On the day of the event, students with an affinity for technology get the chance to take an exclusive glimpse behind the scenes at our company.

What awaits you…

Get to know us as a cutting-edge employer! Interesting specialist lectures, practical demonstrations on our test track, and other technical highlights await you. While visiting our company, you will also learn all there is to know about careers and entry-level employment opportunities for female STEM students at Bosch Engineering GmbH.

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