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Bosch Engineering

Students and pupils

Each day is different from the last. We give you an initial insight into various projects, not to mention our varied day-to-day operations.

Take your first steps into the world of work as a school leaver or college student.

School leavers: Start now – no time to waste!

School leavers: Start now – no time to waste!

After your final exams, you are faced with the inevitable question: Do I continue to study or undertake occupational training?

Why not both?

With its cooperative-study programs, Bosch Engineering GmbH enables you to train in an occupational profession (with certification as a skilled worker) before going on to acquire an academic degree. If you opt for cooperative study, you will benefit from in-depth, practically-oriented training, in addition to a financial safety net throughout your occupational training.

To qualify for a cooperative-study program, you will need to enjoy technical challenges, be motivated and keen to put your creativity to good use in practice, in addition to having an aptitude for analytical thinking and an interest in mathematics and physics.

Don’t hesitate – apply now!

Students: The auditorium is OUT; Bosch Engineering is IN!

Students: The auditorium is OUT; Bosch Engineering is IN!

Are you a student who is keen to discover how an innovative employer in the automotive industry operates?

A wide variety of tasks awaits student employees, interns, and vacation workers at Bosch Engineering GmbH.

Attention! We are also looking for students working toward their final bachelor’s and master’s qualifications. Bosch Engineering GmbH works on exciting developments that can provide groundbreaking topics for a scientific thesis at the end of your degree course.

Your opportunity as a student

At our company, you can push boundaries with your passion!

Join us and stay tuned!

Alongside various options for entry as a school leaver, college student, newbie, or experienced professional, you can also get in touch with us directly. Join one of our events, workshops, or competitions – and stay tuned!

Your experiences at Bosch Engineering GmbH

What awaits you? Find out about the experiences of other school leavers and college students at Bosch Engineering.

Lena Baumgartner

A student shares her story...

Lena Baumgartner, student studying on a cooperative program and working on radar applications for driver assistance systems

Experiencing diversity first-hand at Bosch Engineering GmbH

I was already fascinated by technology – and cars in particular – while still at school. I found the perfect employer in Bosch Engineering GmbH; one that combines these two aspects and fosters my interests. My colleagues at the company are delighted to have some female company, as this can bring some fresh ideas and different solution approaches.

The cooperative-study model

Thanks to the nature of the cooperative program, Bosch Engineering GmbH is guiding me for a total of five years: from my occupational training right through to graduating with a bachelor’s degree. While studying, I have the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge I have gained, and to make an active contribution. The sheer variety of projects and the openness of the different departments enabled me to familiarize myself with many different fields of activity, and to immerse myself in my technical interests.

Getting a feel for the company’s culture

I felt at home at Bosch Engineering GmbH right from the start. As a student, I am always taken seriously and treated as a fully-fledged member of the team. The way in which colleagues interact is very casual. Over the years, you get to know a lot of people who are always approachable and willing to help if you have any questions. The working hours are very flexible, which enables someone in my position to ideally combine studying with working. Bosch Engineering was even open to the idea of an internship abroad: The company helped me in my search for a suitable position by providing a recommendation and also financial support.

Application Management